List of Level 6 Hospitals in Kenya, Their Locations and Contacts

A list of Level 6 Hospitals in Kenya, Their Branches, and information on their locations and contact information are included in this article.

Hospitals in Kenya are classified into 6 categories depending on their ability to provide services.

Level 6 hospitals refer to National Referral Hospitals.

Level 6 Hospitals are the most technologically advanced hospital in Kenya, capable of providing quality healthcare treatment and offering education, training, and research.

Level 6 Hospitals in Kenya

Suppose a hospital becomes overwhelmed by the conditions of a patient after he or she has visited one facility. In that case, the hospital may refer the patient to a Level 6 hospital with a more advanced facility.

A level 6 hospital is a hospital that is a public or private teaching or mission (faith-based) hospital that is big enough to be a national referral hospital. There are eight Level 6 hospitals in Kenya.

List of Level 6 Hospitals in Kenya

1. Kenyatta National Hospital

Location: Upper Hill

Contact information

Mobile Number: 0709854000 / 0730643000

Telephone: 020-2726300

Email Address:

Level 6 Hospitals in Kenya

2. Kenyatta University Teaching, Referral & Research Hospital

Location: located along the Northern Bypass road near Kahawa West

Contact information

Mobile Number: 0794 589824 / 0794 589843

WhatsApp Number: +254 710 642513

Email Address: