Top Ten Richest Tribes in Kenya 2022.

You will get to know of the richest tribes in Kenya here. Kenya has a total of 42 Kenyan tribes, each contributing to the country’s diverse and rich culture and heritage. Each of these tribes is known for its unique history, culture, values, lifestyle, language, religion, food, and other aspects.

Some of these 42 tribes perform economically better than their counterparts. This is attributed to a number of factors such as climatic conditions, land fertility, investments, and infrastructural development.

Here are the top 10 richest tribes in Kenya:

1. Kikuyu.

When it comes to business and money (Mbesha), the first tribe that comes to a Kenyan’s mind is Kikuyu. The ‘Andu a Nyumba’ adherents make money through their various businesses and investments in various sectors such as manufacturing and agriculture.

Their extreme economic success is mainly achieved through hard work and devotion to their businesses. They are known to be the most advanced go-getters in the country and as such, they can’t miss among the top richest tribes in Kenya.

2. Kalenjins

The second tribe possessing wealth and riches is Kalenjin, they get their wealth through agricultural production. They are geographically located in an area with favorable climatic conditions, which favors the growth of various crops.

They are also known to be good in athletics, where many Kalenjins are the participants and winners in world athletics, this also drives income to their land.

3. Meru.

Occupying the lower eastern slopes of Mount Kenya, the Meru’s are known to be among the wealthiest tribes in the country. They participate in cash crop business and livestock production, and dairy production, which has a large stake in Kenya’s economy.

They have large investments in tea and coffee sectors, producing grade 1 tea, not only in the country but also globally through Imenti Tea Factory.

They also have a reputation of selling Khat, commonly known as Miraa to local and international markets, which brings in lots of cash to the growers. This makes the region appear among the top-performing county economies in Kenya.

4. Somali

Despite the Somali’s being few in number, they are known to bear an upper hand in business and entrepreneurship skills. They mostly specialize in high-demand products such as textiles and electronics, which brings in lots of profits.