Updated List Of Cabinet Secretaries In Kenya

This is an updated list of all Cabinet Secretaries (CS) of Kenya as of 2023, following President William Ruto’s reshuffle. The President, through a gazette notice on 4 October 4 2023 effected a change in the cabinet by reshuffling various cabinet ministers to various ministries. However, contrary to the expectations of many Kenyans, no Cabinet Secretary was fired.

Kenya’s Cabinet consists of the President, Deputy President, Attorney General, and Cabinet Secretaries. Kenya’s Constitution allows for a maximum of 23 ministries. Cabinet Secretaries are appointed by the President and then approved by a legislative committee.

According to the Kenyan Constitution, cabinet secretaries lead and oversee their respective ministries. They are all answerable to the president and must make complete and frequent reports on their ministries to Parliament. A Cabinet Secretary does not sit in the Kenyan Parliament.

Updated List Of Cabinet Secretaries (CS) In Kenya

MinistryCabinet Secretary 
1.Office of the Prime Cabinet Secretary and Ministry of Foreign & Diaspora AffairsMusalia Mudavadi
2.Interior & National AdministrationKithure Kindiki
3.National Treasury & PlanningNjuguna Ndung’u
4.Water, Sanitation & IrrigationZacharia Njeru
5.East Africa Community (EAC) Arid & Semi-Arid Lands (ASLs) & Regional DevelopmentPenina Malonza
6.DefenceAden Duale
7.Gender, Culture, the Arts & HeritageAisha Jumwa
8.Public Service, Performance &
Delivery Management
Moses Kuria
9.Trade, Investment & IndustryRebecca Miano
10.Environment & ForestrySoipan Tuya
11.Roads, Transport, & Public WorksKipchumba Murkomen
12.Tourism & WildlifeAlfred Mutua
13.Lands, Housing, & Urban DevelomentAlice Wahome
14.HealthSusan Nakhumicha
15.Agriculture & Livestock DevelopmentMithika Linturi
16.Information, Technology, & Digital EconomyEliud Owalo
17.EducationEzekiel Machogu
18.Energy & PetroleumDavis Chirchir
19.Youth Affairs & SportsAbabu Namwamba
20.Cooperatives & Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) DevelopmentSimon Chelugui
21.Mining, Blue Economy, & Maritime AffairsSalim Mvurya
22.Labour & Social ProtectionFlorence Bore


Cabinet Secretary Salary And Allowances In Kenya

A cabinet secretary (CS) is paid Ksh 924,000 a month, according to a recent gazette notice by the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC). The wage scale is broken down below.

Cabinet Secretary Monthly Salary And Allowances In Kenya
Basic SalaryKsh 554,400
House AllowanceKsh 200,000
Market AdjustmentKsh 169,600
Total Salary Per MonthKsh 924, 000

Other Benefits

Transport: They are furnished with an official car with a maximum engine capacity of 3000 cc.

Medical Benefit: An annual medical coverage is granted for one spouse and up to four children under the age of twenty-five who are entirely dependent on the state official, as follows: Patient: Ksh 10 million Outpatient: Sh300,000 Pregnancy: Ksh 150,000 Dental: 75,000 Ksh Optical costs Ksh 75,000.