List of Kenya’s Attorneys General Since Independence

How many Kenyans have served in the office of the Attorney General? Here is a list of Kenya’s attorneys general. Kenya has had eight Attorney Generals since it gained independence in 1963. The legal adviser to the government is the responsibility of the attorney general. He will also be responsible for ensuring that the rule of law is upheld, promoted, and protected.

List of Kenya’s Attorney Generals Since Independence

1. Charles Njonjo

Born in 1920, he was the first Kenyan Attorney General and the first to take office after Kenya’s independence. He was in this role for 17 years (1963-1979) before leaving to run for political office.

2. James B.Karugu

After Charles Njonjo retired, he took over as Attorney General. James B.Karugu held this position for just one year (1980-1981). He is now the Attorney General with the shortest tenure in history.

3. Joseph Kamere

In 1981, Joseph Kamere succeeded James B. Karugu as Attorney General. He served for two years (1981-1983).

4. Matthew Guy Muli

Matthew Guy Muli was Kenya’s Attorney General from 1983 to 1991.

Read also List Of Kenyas Ministers Of Education Since Independence

5. Amos Wako

At the age of 45, Amos Wako became Kenya’s fifth Attorney General in 1991. He left the position in 2011 and entered politics, becoming the first Senator of Busia County in 2013. He is the current Attorney General with the longest tenure (1991-2011).

6. Githu Muigai

Githu Muigai served as Attorney General after succeeding Amos Wako from 2011 until 2018 when he resigned.