List of All Kenya’s Vice Presidents Since Independence
This is a complete list of all Kenya’s vice presidents since independence including two deputy presidents. It is well known that Kenya has had five presidents since its independence. But what about vice presidents and deputy presidents-elect? Unfortunately, not everyone is aware of this. Some may be surprised to learn that several prominent Kenyan leaders once served as vice presidents. Let’s get started on our list right away.
Kenya’s Vice Presidents Since Independence
1. Jaramogi Oginga Odinga (1911 – 1994)
Jaramogi Oginga, Raila Odinga’s father, was the first Vice-President of Kenya when the country became a republic in 1964. He resigned from office on April 14, 1966, after a disagreement with Mzee Jomo Kenyatta.
2. Joseph Murumbi
As Kenya’s second Vice President, Joseph Murumbi took over from Jaramogi. He was only in office for 120 days before being replaced by the President.
3. Daniel Arap Moi
The third VP was Kenya’s second President. The late Daniel Arap Moi is the longest-serving Vice President, having served for 11 years under Mzee Jomo Kenyatta. When Jomo died, he succeeded him as President.
4. Mwai Kibaki
Mwai Kibaki served as a Vice President under the late Moi for 9 and half years (1978-1988). He later rose to become the President in 2002 after president Moi retired, endorsing Uhuru Kenyatta. He died on 21 April 2022 aged 90 years.
5. Josephat Karanja (1931 – 1994)
Josephat Karanja was the Vice President of Kenya from March 1988 to May 1989. He was succeeded by George Saitoti.
Read List of Kenya’s National Assembly Speakers Since Independence
6. George Saitoti
George Saitoti was in office from 1989 to January 1998. At some point, they disagreed with Moi and he dismissed him. The position of Vice President was vacant for 15 months. Moi later reinstated him in April 1999, and he served until the end of the KANU era.