Best Performing Secondary Schools in Tharaka Nithi County
This article provides a list of the best-performing secondary schools in Tharaka Nithi County and their contact information.
Best Performing Secondary Schools in Tharaka Nithi County
Here is a list of the performing secondary schools in Tharaka Nithi County.
1. Chogoria Girls High School
Chogoria Girls High School is a National girls’ school located in the Maara sub-county that was established in 1922 by Dr. Clive Irvine, a missionary from the Presbyterian Church of Scotland. Dr. Irvine also established the church and the hospital in the area. In 1968, boys and girls were separated, and Chogoria Girls Secondary School was founded, with Mrs. Charity Mugo serving as its first principal. The girls relocated to the current 20-acre location in 1969. The school provides an excellent 8-4-4 education per the Kenyan curriculum.
It consistently performs well in national exams, and in 2020, it was ranked the second-best performing school in the country. In the 2021/2022 KCSE exam, the school had a mean of 8.65 points, and in 2022/2023 had a mean of 8.31 points.
Contact information
Postal Address: P.O. Box 76, 60401 Chogoria.
Physical address; Chogoria, Tharaka Nithi.
School Code: 19300004
Phone Number: 064-22008 or 0723-538393
Website: http://chogoriagirls.ac.ke/ or http://www.chogoriagirls.org
2. Chogoria Girls High School
Chogoria Boys High School – Also located in the Maara sub-county, Chogoria Boys High School is another top-performing school in Tharaka Nithi County. It has a long history of academic excellence, and in 2020, it was ranked the 12th-best-performing school in the country. In the 2022/2023 KCSE exams, the school had a mean of 7.6 points. The school has a rich co-curricular program and offers its students a wide range of extracurricular activities.
Contact information
KNEC CODE: 19326203
School’s ownership status: public/ government owned
Phone contact: 0706422012
Postal address: P.o Box 52, chogoria
Website: www.chogoriaboys.ac.ke

3. Kiurani Boys High School
Kiurani Boys High School is a public secondary school in the Chuka-Igambang’ombe constituency. Recent KCSE results have been encouraging for the institution. Now, Stephen Kimwele serves as the Principal of Kiurani Boys High School. Kiurani Boys High school is one of the best schools in Tharaka Nithi.
Contact information
School’s Knec Code: 19300010
School’s Ownership Status: Public
Phone: 0733-42664
Address: P.O. Box 180 – 60401 Chogoria, Kenya
4. Ikuu Boys High School
Ikuu Boys High School is a secondary school in the Ikuu sub-location, South Imenti constituency, in Meru County, Kenya. Established in 1961, it offers education for day and boarding students. The school has an excellent academic record and has produced notable alumni who have excelled in various fields.
Ikuu Boys High School has performed well in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations in recent years. In the 2020 KCSE results, the school had a mean score of 8.2, with 79 candidates sitting for the exams. This improved from the 2019 results, where the school had a mean score of 7.1.
Contact information
KNEC CODE: 19300010
School’s Ownership Status: Public
Phone Contact: 0715 054 398 / 0739 902 196
Address: P.O. Box 40, Chuka, Kenya.
EMAIL: ikuuboysh@yahoo.co.uk
Website: https://www.ikuuboys.sc.ke/
5. Materi Girls Secondary School
Materi Girls Secondary School is a girls’ boarding school in Materi, Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya. The school was founded in 1994 and has established itself as one of the top-performing secondary schools in the region. The school has a good academic record and has consistently produced excellent results in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams.
Contact information
Address: RR57+33M, Tunyai
KNEC CODE: 19313203
School’s Ownership Status: Private

6. Kaitheri Girls High School
Another top-performing county school in Tharaka Nithi County, Kaitheri Girls High School, is located in the Chuka sub-county. It has a reputation for academic excellence and has produced many top-performing students in national exams over the years. Additionally, the school has a dedicated teaching staff, a supportive administration, and a strong co-curricular program.
7. Mukuuni High School
Mukuuni High School is a county school that has been providing quality education to its students, preparing them for life after school. While it may not be one of the top-performing schools in Tharaka-Nithi County, it is still a good option for students seeking quality education.
Contact information
Knec code: 19308502
School’s ownership status: public/ government owned
Phone contact: 0715 693151
Postal address: P.O Box 29, Magumoni
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