The Guardian Angel Fare, Route, Booking and Contacts
The Guardian Angel is a household name in the Kenyan transportation industry and has established itself as the best fit for long-distance journeys. With the rise in fuel, the cheapest way to travel to long-distance towns like Busia is via bus.
To ensure travelers enjoy their rides, The Guardian Angel has some of the most comfortable designed buses and tablets. On top of that, the company has managed to up its game by installing Wi-Fi and power outlets in some of its buses. This makes it easier for business people to access their mail without an extra cost in data bundles, even TikTok lovers are also covered in that Wi-Fi package.
The transit company mostly operates from Nairobi to different towns in Kenya. Despite investing in comfortability, the company has managed to maintain an economical budget for the common mwananchi as it ranks as the best-charging bus in Kenya.
Below are the rates of fare that applies to different routes. The rates might change depending on different factors including a rise in fuel.
The Guardian Angel Fare and Route

Start Destination Fare
Nairobi Butere Ksh1,650
Nairobi Kijauri Ksh1,400
Nairobi Kisii Ksh1,400
Nairobi Malaba Ksh1,650
Nairobi Luanda Ksh1,650
Nairobi Busia Ksh1,650
Nairobi Maseno Ksh1,650
Nairobi Kisumu Ksh1,650
Nairobi Bukura Ksh1,650
Mogonga Nairobi Ksh1,400
Kisii Nairobi Ksh1,400
Nairobi Mbita Ksh1,400
Katito Nairobi Ksh1,400
Kisumu Nairobi Ksh1,650