Tahmeed Fare, Routes, Booking and Contacts
If you travel long-distance regularly, Tahmeed Express might not be a new term to you as it ranks as one of the best transportation companies in East Africa. The transit company offers affordable and luxury rides in the same package making a long ride short.
Their buses feature reclining seats, air conditioners, fitted TV screens, and a secure Wi-Fi connection to ensure you are always connected to the online world. Tahmeed Express operates in Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya, where it hits different counties with its main route being to and from Nairobi.
In other countries, Tahmeed ply to Kampala, Uganda, and Dar es Salam in Tanzania. The transportation company boasts a fleet of over 50 buses that are of standard to hit the long-distance journies. In this article, we look at the routes, the amount of fare you need, how to book via the online platform, and also share contacts that you might use in case of any inquiry.
Tahmeed Fare and Routes

Departure point Destination Fare Rate
Nairobi Mtwapa Ksh1,300
Nairobi Moshi, TZ Ksh2,500
Mombasa Nairobi Ksh1,500
Mombasa Busia Ksh2,500
Mombasa Ugunja Ksh2,500
Mombasa Malaba Ksh2,500
Mombasa Dar es Salaam, TZ Ksh2,200
Mombasa Nakuru Ksh1,800
Mombasa Meru Ksh2,200
Mombasa Maua Ksh2,200
Mombasa Awendo Ksh2,500
Mombasa Nakuru Ksh1,800
Mombasa Meru Ksh2,200
Mombasa Maua Ksh2,200