How to Start a Law Firm in Kenya
Reasonably, the law is among the best-paying careers in Kenya and almost any country worldwide. Therefore, starting and successfully running a law firm is the most lucrative business idea that one can delve into.
This article will provide information on how to establish and keep a profitable law firm business in Kenya.
Legal lawyers earn well over Ksh 2 million monthly by representing clients in court and advising them on how to best approach their legal matters. Ultimately, opening a law practice can bring in profitable revenue. It is possible to run a successful legal practice in Kenya, but only with extensive preparation, diligent effort, and knowledge of Kenyan law.
This piece will explain how to open a legal practice in Kenya.
How to become a lawyer in Kenya
1. Attending and Completing Secondary School Education
This sets the foundation for becoming a lawyer in Kenya. At the end of the secondary school education, one must attain the minimum grade required to pursue a law degree, B plain with C+ in English
2. Enroll in a recognized university
After secondary school, one must enroll for a law degree in a recognized university. It takes five years to complete a law degree.
Below are recognized universities in Kenya that offers a degree in law
The University of Nairobi, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Mount Kenya University, Catholic University of East Africa, African Nazarene University, Kabarak University, Kisii University, Kenyatta University, and Strathmore University.
3. Join Kenya School of Law for a Diploma in Law
Once you graduate with a law degree, you can proceed to the Kenya School of Law for a diploma in law, which takes three years to complete.
4. Admission to the bar
After graduating from the Kenya School of Law, you get admission to the bar. This is where you will be given your practice certificate. You can provide legal advice and represent clients in court if you have a certificate of practice.