Utumishi Boys Academy KCSE Results
Utumishi Boys Academy is a public national secondary school located in Gilgil, Nakuru County. The school is an all-boys school and is ranked as one of the best-performing schools in Nakuru county and ranks in the top 200 best schools nationally.
The school was established to mainly serve the children of Kenyan police officers hence earning the title “Utumishi” which means service same as the police serve motto “Utumishi Kwa Wote.”
Being one of the best-performing schools, we will highlight some of their recent performances in recent years.
Utumishi Boys Academy KCSE Results.
KCSE Results 2022/23
In 2022 the school had a good run in the national exams posting impressive grades. The school was able to get 78% of its students to the University via government sponsorship KUUCP as they attained the set grade of C+ and above.
The school also managed to secure 2 clean As and 21 A-, however, the school also had 9 Ws which meant nine of their candidates had their results withheld awaiting investigation of exam malpractice. Below is the full analysis of the 2022 KCSE Results.
Grade No of Candidates
A 2
A- 21
B+ 32
B 60
B- 58
C+ 71
C 49
C- 13
D+ 5
D 0
D- 0
E 0
X 0
Y 0
W 9
Total Candidates= 311
University Entries=235
KCSE 2021/22
In 2021, the school also posted impressive performance earning a mean grade of 8.23 which represents a B-. This was a bit of a deviation from what they had achieved in the previous year.
Despite the slight deviation the school still managed to rank in the top 100 best schools, ranking 72 ahead of Starehe Girls Centre which also had the same mean score. However, their grade distribution for that year is still unclear and will be updated later.