Maseno School KCSE Results

Maseno School is one of the 18 original national schools in Kenya that had the privilege to select top-performing pupils every year. However, in 2011 the minister of education announced the promotion of more than 30 provincial schools to the national level thus bringing the number of national schools from 18 to over 50.

The school stands as one of the oldest schools in Kenya being founded in 1906 by the Church Missionary Society. At the time of its foundation, the school was meant for children of African Chiefs which changed as the country gained its independence. After the departure of the Church Missionary Society (CMS), the Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) took over the school becoming their sponsor to date.

Being a national school the school has been one of the top-performing secondary schools and one of the most coveted schools in Kenya. In our article, we highlight their performance in recent years.

Maseno School KCSE Results

Maseno School KCSE Results

KCSE Results 2022/23

The 2022 KCSE was one of their successful years in terms of performance improvement coming from a mean score of 8.8 to 9.6 with four students earning an A of 84 points. On top of that, they managed to secure 48 As more than half of what they had earned the previous year. Below is the full analysis of their 2022 KCSE results.

Grade             No. of Candidates 

A                      48

A-                     133

B+                    141

B                      115

B-                     65

C+                     37

C                        8

C-                      3

D+                      0

D                        0

D-                      0

E                        0

X                        0

Y                        0

Total Candidates= 552

 University Entry= 541

KCSE Results 2021/22

In 2021 they also had a successful run earning a mean score of 8.8 and had five students earn an A plain of 84 points followed by another 15 students who successfully managed to earn an A plain bringing the total to 20 students with a clean A that year. Below is the summary analysis of that year.

Grade             No. of Candidates 

A                      20

A-                     74

B+                    116

B                      121

B-                     90

C+                     75

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