Maranda High School KCSE Results.

Maranda High School is ranked as one of the best national schools in Kenya and for numerous years it has been on the top of charts in terms of KCSE results taking over 80% of their entries to University.

Located just a few kilometers from Bondo, Siaya County, Maranda was founded in 1919 by Shadrack Osewe Agot. The school is a one-gender school, of boys that has a population of over 2000 students, wearing a Dark Navy Blue and White uniform.

The 104 years old has been climbing the academic ladder and in 2011 they surprised the nation after they topped the KCSE exam that year. Prior to them topping the result that year, in 2010 they were ranked 4th, then in 2011 they ranked number 1, in 2012 they ranked 7th before going back to the top five in 2014 where they were the second school countrywide.

Being one of the best schools in the Nyanza region, it hosted some of the prominent leaders from that region including the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga. Other Include,  Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Raila Odinga, the late Mr. Orwa Ojode who was an assistant Minister, Mr. Oburu Odinga. It has also produced some of the best doctors and engineers in the country.

In our feature, we analyze their KCSE Results for recent years.

Maranda High School KCSE Results

Maranda High School

KCSE Result 2022/23

The 2022 year was a good year for Maranda as they managed to score 68 straight A’s doubling what they had achieved in 2021. They also increased the number of students who attended University from 560 to 567. Below are the results.

Grade                                                        No of Students 

A                                                                  68

A-                                                                143

B+                                                                144

B                                                                    89

B-                                                                  71

C+                                                                 52

C                                                                    24

C-                                                                   13

D+                                                                   1

D                                                                     0

D-                                                                    0