Limuru Girls’ School KCSE Results.

Limuru Girls School is a public national school for only girls, the school is located in Limuru constituency, Kiambu County. The school falls under Cluster 3 of national schools as it’s among the schools that were founded by the white settlers. Currently, the school is under the umbrella of the Anglican Church of Kenya with the Diocese of Mt. Kenya South being the main sponsors.

Being a national school, it has been posting impressive performances in both local and national exams. In our feature, we look at their recent performances for the recent years.

Limuru Girls’ School KCSE Results.,

Limuru Girls' School

KCSE Results 2022/23.

2022 was among the average years for the school earning a mean score of 8.5814

which represents a B plain. They also managed to secure 2 A plains with 345 students of 387 students earning University grades while 38 were able to secure grades for technical colleges for diploma certificates.

Below is the full analysis of 2022 KCSE Results,

Grade         No of Candidates

A                 2
A-               27
B+              95
B                102
B-               62
C+              58
C                29
C-               9
D+             2
D               1
D-             0
E               0
X               1
Y               0

Total Candidates= 387
University Entries=345

KCSE Results 2021/22.

2021 was one of their best year compared to the previous five years, they recorded a mean grade of 8.8616 which is also a B plain. On top of that, they recorded the highest number of A plains, securing 7 As compared to three they got in 2020. Before earning this mean score the best they had scored was in 2016 when they earned a mean score of 8.9500 but they never managed to win any A that year. Below is the analysis for the 2021 KCSE Results.

Grade        No of Candidates

A                7
A-              51
B+             79
B                87
B-              95
C+              44
C                10
C-               9
D+              1
D                0
D-              0
E                0
X                1
Y                0