Lenana School KCSE Results
Lenana School is a public national school founded in 1949 by colonial governor Philip Euen Mitchel. The school is located in Karen, Nairobi County, and ranks as one of the best-performing schools in the country. It’s also one of the first schools to be inaugurated as a national school getting the opportunity to pick the top pupils in the country.
The school has maintained a good run in the academic sectors ranking in the top 100 best performing schools in Kenya. In our article, we highlight their recent performance, admission as well as the background of the school.
Lenana School KCSE Results

KCSE Results 2022/23
In 2022 the school registered impressive performances earning a mean score of 8.37 and converting 83% of the total entry to university entries. Below is the summary analysis for the 2022 KCSE Results.
Grade No. of Candidates
A 3
A- 43
B+ 86
B 71
B- 74
C+ 60
C 40
C- 21
D+ 6
D 1
D- 1
E 0
X 0
Y 0
Total Candidates= 406
University Entry= 337
KCSE Results 2021/22
In 2021 the school’s mean score dropped to 8.3719 which represents a B-. In the previous year, they had scored a mean grade of 8.92 which represented a B plain. On top of that, they dropped in national ranking coming from 38 to 65 but at least they managed to hit the top 100. Below we give the analysis of the 2021 KCSE Results.
Grade No. of Candidates
A 4
A- 42
B+ 87
B 72
B- 73
C+ 59
C 40
C- 21