Kapsabet Boys High School KCSE Results

Kabsabet Boys High School well known as KB is a public national secondary school based in Nandi County, Kapsabet area. The school was founded in 1925 as a Government African School, at the time schools were under the British colonialists and it was among them making it one of the oldest schools in Kenya entering the same category as Maranda High School which was established in 1919.

Being the oldest school it has undergone huge transformations over the years both structure-wise as well as academic. In terms of the structure, where it was first established is now being occupied by the Kapsabet High Primary School.

Despite being founded in 1925, the school was promoted to the national level in 2011 due to its outstanding performance. Two years down the line the school was ranked 4th nationally in 2013 and since then they have remained in the top 20.

Just like their motto “Strive to Excell” the school has been posting stunning performances in the KCSE for years. Other than being ranked 1st country-wide twice, the school has also produced the first student country-wide in 2019.

Being the best school in Kenya and the Rift Valley region, it has produced some of the prominent people hailing from that region. Some of the prominent alumni include.

  • H.E William Ruto- the 5th President of Kenya
  • The late Daniel Arap Moi- The second president of Kenya
  • The late Nicholas Biwott- former Minister and a Member of Parliament
  • Henry Kosgei- former Minister and member of parliament
  • Stephen Sang- Governor Nandi County

The list goes on and on, this shows the level of education at the school is top-notch to produce two presidents. In our feature, we look at the KCSE Results for Kapsabet Boys High School.

Kapsabet Boys High School KCSE Results

Kapsabet Boys High School KCSE Results

KCSE Results 2022/23

The 2022 year was among their average year ranking 18th nationally but managed to secure 98.34% of university slots for their students. Their highest grade was an A plain and their lowest was a C plain. Below are the results

Grade                            No. of Candidates 

A                                  52

A-                                 150

B+                                 150

B                                     74

B-                                    36

C+                                   12

C                                      8

C-                                      0

D+                                    0

D                                       0

D-                                     0

E                                       0

X                                       0

Y                                       0

Total Candidates= 482

University Entry= 474

KCSE Results 2021/22

The 2021 year was among the best years in terms of performers earning first place in high school ranking. They not only earned first place but they also secured a 100% University entry with the highest student earning an A plain and the lowest earning a C+.

Grade                                    No. of Students 

A                                                104

A-                                               191

B+                                                99

B                                                  54

B-                                                 12

C+                                                 1

C                                                   0

C-                                                  0

D+                                                 0

D                                                    0

D-                                                   0

E                                                     0

X                                                     0

Y                                                      0

Total Candidates= 461

University Entry= 461.
