Friends School Kamusinga KCSE Results

Friends School Kamusinga well known as “Kamu”  is a public national school located in the Western part of Kenya, Kimilili,  Bungoma County. The school is ranked as one of the best-performing secondary schools in Kenya.

Other than being academic giants, Friends of Kamusinga is also a giant in extra-curricular competitions dominating in competitions such as drama, field hockey, basketball, science congress, and music festival.

In our feature, we will highlight more on their academic dominance in the KCSE examination starting from the recently released results.

Friends School Kamusinga KCSE Results.

Friends School Kamusinga KCSE Results

KCSE Results 2023/24

While over 48,174 students scored an E, the last grade in the 8-4-4 system Kamusinga School was on the top-tier level earning a mean grade of 9.4. Of the 1216 candidates who scored A country-wide, Kamusinga was among the schools that contributed to this list with 30 of its students scoring an A plain.

On top of that, Kamusinga managed to convert over 90% of their KCSE entries to University entries, of 463 entries 450 of them managed to secure university grades with 0 withheld results. Below is the breakdown of the 2023 Friends of Kamusinga KCSE Results.

Grade               No. of Candidates

A                       30

A-                      89

B+                      120

B                         80

B-                       87

C+                       47

C                          11

C-                         2

D+                        0

D                           0

D-                          0

E                            0

X                            0

Y                            0

W                          0

Total Candidates= 463

Total Entries= 450

KCSE Results 2022/23

2022 was an average year for the Kamu’s gents where they earned a mean grade of 9.2. However, compared to 2023 the number of As was just 11, and 20 of its students missed a chance to join University. Below is the full breakdown of the 2022 KCSE Results for Friends of Kamusinga.

Grade               No. of Cand