5 Habits that are Draining Your Finances


In today’s article, I will talk about a few habits that you might be ignoring, which in turn may end up ruining their finances. If you follow keenly and make these financial adjustments, they may transform your financial journey for the better.

Changing these habits has helped people break free from emotional spending and build a more secure financial future.

1. Failing to Budget

You’ve probably heard this advice countless times, but it remains a crucial step on your path to financial freedom. Budgeting provides a clear picture of where your money is going, helping you identify areas where you can cut back or save more. Consider obtaining your monthly bank statement and categorize your spending into different buckets to get a grasp of your monthly spending.

Alternatively, you can simplify this process by using apps that automatically track your expenditures whenever you make transfers from your bank accounts. This simple practice can be a game-changer on your journey to financial stability.

2. No Emergency Fund

While it’s tempting to boast about owning shares in prominent companies like Zenith, UBA, Apple, or Microsoft, it’s essential to prioritise building an emergency fund in your financial journey. Life is unpredictable, and unexpected situations could arise, often beyond our control or the help of friends and family.

That’s why it’s wise to allocate a portion of your income each month to an emergency fund and refrain from using it unless a genuine crisis occurs. This simple practice can save you from financial stress or the need to rely on loan apps.

3. Poor spending decisions

Stop impulsive purchases. We often splurge on unnecessary purchases, whether it’s the latest trendy fashion piece or the newest gadget, sometimes using shopping as a way to seek validation. It’s crucial to remind ourselves that the most remarkable aspects of our identity aren’t tied to material possessions. 

4. Irresponsible borrowing

While debt is sometimes necessary, such as for education, business expansion, or mortgage, it’s essential to differentiate between reasonable and unnecessary borrowing. Utilizing loans from financial institutions for significant investments like the ones mentioned above could be worth the while, but relying on friends and family to fund non-essential expenses like ceremonial clothing (aso-ebi) can harm your financial stability.

Taking on debt for items beyond your current financial means can lead to a cycle of indebtedness, making it challenging to cover essential expenses. It’s advisable to steer clear of such unnecessary expenditures to maintain a healthy financial outlook.

5. Trying to use money to solve deeper problems