Top 10 Best Fashion Designer Stores in Kenya
This article provides you with a list of the best fashion designer stores in Kenya for your fashion needs. You will agree that the attire you wear is an important consideration whenever you have an event to attend. At the very least, you want to look decent and elegant.
Nobody wouldn’t enjoy being the talk of the town because of their unique fashion sense. As a fashion enthusiast, you must stay up to date on everything that is going on in the fashion world. To do so, you must have all of the information about the best Kenya clothing stores at your disposal.
This ensures that you have all of the necessary information about fashion trends and that you get the best deals. When looking for the best clothing store for you, you may feel overwhelmed. The majority of stores sell their brands online. You must use your smartphone to surf, and you have a store collection.
Best Fashion Designer Stores in Kenya
1. Sir Henry’s
In Kenya, you can’t talk about clothing without mentioning Sir Henry’s.
You don’t go to a business meeting dressed in t-shirts, jeans, and sneakers as a man. You should invest in a well-fitting suit that will make you appear professional. Sir Henry’s is the best place to get the best suit.
This is a clothing store that only sells men’s clothing and accessories. You can expect to receive the most recent fashion trends, such as ties, smart casual, and executive business suits.
2. Mr. P (Formerly Mr. Price)
Mr. Price is an international brand that sells affordable clothing for women, men, and children. The clothing store began in Durban, South Africa, and has since expanded to other countries.
Mr. Price wants you to look good and appreciate the high-quality products he provides. When you visit this clothing store, you can expect to find the latest fashion trends as well as wardrobe essentials. Because every clothing need is met under one roof, your family is always taken care of.
3. Kiko Romeo
Kiko Romeo is the best place to shop for African-inspired clothing. Without a doubt, Kiko Romeo is the ultimate Kenyan fashion house that has helped to put the East African fashion industry on the map.
You will receive ready-made garments made from African fabrics. The fashion house is located in Kenya at the Yaya Center. Do not hesitate to visit this location to obtain the most recent Kenya designs. That is what patriotism requires of you.
4. Jade collection
Looking for a retail fashion store where you can shop the latest trends in men’s, women’s, and children’s fashion wear, as well as baby clothing, shoes, and handbags? Then look no further than the Jade Collection. The company runs a clothing store chain that sells high-quality, one-of-a-kind, affordable, and fashionable clothing.
The company continues to gain customers as its reputation grows. You can be one of the satisfied customers if you visit the nearest Jades Collection store.
Read Top 9 Kenyan fashion designers you should know
5. Woolworths
Woolworths is the place to go if you like casual but stylish clothing. Woolworths is a straightforward, traditional, yet sophisticated brand. This fashion house takes pride in offering a diverse range of fashion apparel products.