Sheria Sacco Membership Eligibility & Requirements
This page focuses on the eligibility and qualifications for Sheria Sacco membership. Sheria Sacco is a Savings and Credit Co-operative Society that was established in 1972 and now has a membership of over 10,000 people.
With a 7.46 billion asset base, Sheria Sacco is one of Kenya’s largest deposit-taking Saccos.
Sheria Sacco Membership Eligibility
Former and current workers of;
- Judiciary.
- The Attorney General’s Office.
- Ministries and departments of the government.
- Sheria Sacco, as well as all of its initiatives and subsidiaries.
- Kenya Law School.
- Every university.
- Kenya Law Society.
- The Attorney General’s office and the judiciary are quasi-government institutions.
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
Other members who are qualified include:
- A member’s spouse or a close family member.
- Advocates from Kenya’s High Court.
- Kenya School of Law students.
- Public secretaries who are certified.
- Entrepreneurs and institutions that have been approved.
- Any other person employed by a Kenyan-registered organization who is capable of making regular contributions to society and meeting loan payback conditions.
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Sheria Sacco Membership Requirements
- A completed membership application form, which can be found on the Sacco’s website.
- A copy of your national ID or passport.
- A properly completed nominee card.
- One passport-sized photograph.
- Entrance price of Kshs 1,700; registration charge of Kshs 1,000; FOSA account creation fee of Kshs 500; and Burial Benevolent Fund registration fee of Kshs 200.
Memership Benefits
- The interest paid on the society’s loans is returned to members in the form of interest on deposits and dividends.
- Members have unrestricted access to the Sacco’s board of directors and management.
- Members have a stronger say in the operation of the society, and their delegates represent them at the organisation’s ultimate governing organ (AGM).
- When it comes to engaging with its members, the society has a human face.
- Members own the society and have a special relationship with it because they are also its clients.
- When compared to banks and other financial institutions, the society’s loan products are competitively priced.
Sheria Sacco Contacts
Location: Matumbato Close, Upperhill, Nairobi.
Contact: 020 780 1500.