List of U&I Microfinance Bank Loan Products

This is a list of U&I Microfinance Bank loan products and contacts. U&I began as a credit-only financial services provider in 2007, before the Central Bank of Kenya awarded it a license to operate as a deposit-taking microfinance institution on April 8, 2013.

The bank’s headquarters are on the first floor of the Asili Complex on River Road in Nairobi. They have two locations: Gikomba and Thika.

This article discusses the U&I Microfinance loan products, highlighting loan requirements and features.

U&I Microfinance Bank Loan Products

1. Fasta Fasta Loan

This is an Imports clearing loan that is approved within 24 hours. This financing assists entrepreneurs in clearing their products at the port.


  • One-month repayment period
  • Financing of up to 70% of the collateral/security’s value
  • Interest rates are low.


  • Landing Bill
  • National ID card copy
  • Passport photo
  • KRA pin copy
  • Show that you have the ability to repay the loan.
  • Excellent credit history from past loans (if any) is required.
  • Bank statements from U&I

2. Planner Loan

This lending product assists you in realizing your dreams as quickly as feasible. It is open to self-employed, employed, and contract workers.


  • Completed the U&I Loan application form
  • 6 months’ copy of Bank statements in their original form
  • National ID card
  • Passport photo
  • KRA pin replica

3. Asset Finance

Asset finance enables firms to acquire the equipment they require to expand. This financing product is available to acquire land, automobiles, trucks, buses, pickup trucks, or taxis.


Financing of up to 80% on new automobiles and 70% on used vehicles is available.
Land financing of up to 50%
A repayment period of up to 36 months is possible.
Individuals are qualified depending on their ability to repay the loan.
Security includes assets.