Agribusiness Loans Providers In Kenya

This is a list of financial institutions that provide agribusiness loans in Kenya. Agribusiness is today a thriving sector in the country, and it has played a significant part in addressing the issue of unemployment.

In Kenya, there are various financial organizations that offer start-up capital/agribusiness loans to those who want to enter the trade but lack the necessary funds.

Agribusiness loans are useful in driving farm operations, especially for the average farmers who are unable to meet the high production costs.

This article outlines 11 agribusiness loan lenders operating in the county. Take a look.

Agribusiness Loans Providers in Kenya

1. Agricultural Finance Corporation

AFC provides agribusiness loans to support agribusiness traders. It provides equipment loans, livestock and fisheries development loans, cash crop, horticulture and floriculture development loans, water development loans, and seasonal crop credit.

Contacts: 0788 524 998, 0704 153 773.

2. KCB Bank

Sugarcane farmers who have signed up with reputed sugar businesses and are searching for operating capital or farm development can apply for agricultural loans from KCB.

Dairy and animal loans, structured loans, contracted crop loans, horticultural loans, farm development loans, and mavuno tea loans are all available from the bank.

3. Juhudi Kilimo

Juhudi Kilimo is a leading East African provider of transformative financial solutions to rural smallholder farmers. Crop farming loans, animal farming loans, agricultural equipment loans, working capital loans, sustainable energy loans, and consumer loans are all available from the organization.

Contact: 0709 692 000.

4. National Bank

In Kenya, National Bank provides Sharia-compliant Jenga kilimo funding to farmers in order for them to boost their output and develop their agricultural operations.


  • Loans of up to Kshs 5 million are available.
  • A repayment schedule of up to 48 months is available, with a three-month grace period.

5. Bank of Africa

The bank provides agribusiness loans, which are short- to medium-term lending facilities that assist farmers in purchasing farm supplies like seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides, as well as paying for the lease of extra agricultural land, purchasing livestock, and financing other social development needs.


  • Secured by any suitable tangible security, such as title deeds, logbooks, lis