How To Withdraw From PayPal To M-PESA In Kenya Tutorial.
Gone are the days where people used to send and receive money in cash via Telegram, Posta or Money transfer companies. Nowadays, online payment methods such as Mpesa PayPal have taken over the money transfer scene and one does not need to get out of their house to initiate a money transfer process.
In Kenya today, many people have shifted to online business that comes with online payment. For instance, when working on a freelance site such as Upwork or Academia, it is evident that you cannot receive payment through cash mode. In this case, online payment is the only way out. This necessitates the presence of online payment platforms in Kenya.
PayPal Online Money Transfer in Kenya.
One of the most widely used online payment platforms in Kenya is PayPal. This is an American based online payment platform that was founded in 1998 at Palo Alto, California. Over the last 23 years, PayPal has grown to become one of the most widely used online payment platforms globally.
PayPal has been operating in Kenya for more than 5 years now. Users have been able to transfer or withdraw money from their PayPal accounts to their bank accounts.
Paypal Collaboration with Mpesa.
In April 2018, PayPal striked a collaboration deal with Safaricom M-Pesa to enable clients to withdraw money from PayPal directly to their M-Pesa accounts. This came as a relief to many M-Pesa users who did not have bank accounts as previously it was only possible to withdraw to a bank account.
In this article, we are going to focus on how to withdraw money from a PayPal account to your M-Pesa account, linking your M-Pesa account to PayPal, how to transfer money from M-Pesa to PayPal account, M-Pesa PayPal charges, common M-Pesa PayPal challenges and possible solutions.
Of course, you need to have a PayPal account before you get to a point of withdrawing form the platform. If you don’t have a PayPal account, visit the PayPal website and click on Sign up for free to register as a PayPal user.
Make sure you have enough money in your account before thinking of initiating a transaction process.
How to link you M-Pesa account to paypal.
Before you start withdrawing money from Paypal to Mpesa, your account needs to be linked with your Mpesa account via Safaricom mobile number. Here is how you can do that.
1. Navigate to www.paypal-mobilemoney.com/m-pesa.
2. Log in to your Kenyan Paypal Account using your username and password.
3. Agree to Terms and Conditions of using the service.
4. Add the Safaricom Mpesa number you would like to link to PayPal account.
5. You will receive a verification code on your Safaricom line via text message. Key in the code to the dialogue box to complete the process.
6. Your PayPal account is linked to Mpesa. You can proceed to start making transactions between the two accounts.
How to Withdraw from Paypal Account to Mpesa.
1. Log in to your Paypal Mpesa account.
2. On the pop-up screen that appears, you will see two buttons. One; ‘withdraw from paypal’ and another one ‘Top up to Paypal’. Click ‘Withdraw from Paypal’ for withdrawal.
4. In the new page that appears showing your balance and a dialogue box. Enter the amount you would wish to withdraw on the dialogue box and click continue.
5. In the next step, you will see the Mpesa conversion rate and the amount that you will receive. Hit the ‘Confirm button if its okay with you or go back to edit if you want to make some changes.
6. You should receive a notification on your screen that your withdrawal has been initiated and your money is on the way.
7. You should receive the money into your Mpesa account between 3 minutes to 2 hours depending on the amount and withdrawal time. Mpesa shall send a confirmation message notifying that you have received the money from Paypal.
You can only receive the maximum amount offered by Safaricom to your Mpesa account. Make sure to check that your amount does not surpass this limit as you will not receive the excess amount.