How to get a Phoenix Capital Logbook Loan

Phoenix Capital Ltd is a Kenyan non-deposit Micro Finance lending firm that has been delivering customized services to clients throughout Kenya since 2012. Their main line of business is to provide loans and financial services to those with middle incomes, Including Phoenix Capital Logbook Loan.

The company provides formally employed persons and business owners with ethical and creative services. They have a dual bottom-line goal as a financial organization: fulfilling a clear social mission and financial viability.

They are prepared to meet all of their clients’ needs, no matter how complex because they are a qualified organization with extensive knowledge. Whether you need help on a corporate or personal level, the team is here to help.

Among their outstanding loan products is the Phoenix Capital Logbook Loan, which is offered to people who own cars and are secured by their logbooks.

This article will enlighten you on how to access a phoenix capital logbook loan, highlighting loan terms and repayment procedures.

How to get a Logbook Loan from Phoenix Capital

A logbook loan is a sort of loan that is secured by the use of a car as collateral. Phoenix logbook loans are great for people wishing to expand their business or deal with financial problems.

Phoenix Capital provides logbook loans of up to 70% of your car’s worth, allowing you to earn cash in as little as 2 hours. These loans, like other secured loans, come with a fixed interest rate based on the repayment schedule and amount borrowed. A logbook loan is preferable to other secured loans since it allows you to keep driving your vehicle until the debt is repaid.

Who is Eligible to apply?

Our logbook loans are available to car owners who possess original logbooks. You can get up to 70% of your car’s value when you apply for a logbook loan. This is because the car secures the debt granted while considering the vehicle’s depreciation value over time.

Eligibility Criteria

  •  KRA pin
  •  Passport photo
  •  Original logbook
  •  Certified 6-month bank statement
  •  Comprehensive insurance sticker ID
  •  Loan limit of Ksh.2 000 000 based on collateral provided.
  •  Minimum loan amount of Ksh.50 000
  •  Maximum loan repayment period of 24 months.
  •  Minimum loan repayment period of 1 month.

Loan Terms

Phoenix Capital will extend your existing logbook loan repayment period for up to 24 months. You can, however, select your desired repayment period within the timeframe to repay the principal amount plus interest rates. Borrowers can also pay off their debts before the grace period expires without suffering any penalties.

Logbook loans differ depending on the car model, year of manufacture, and make, and provide borrowers with access to large sums of money. Notably, they offer logbook loan sums ranging from Ksh 50,000 to Ksh 2,000,000.

However, they will first examine your vehicle, taking into account market value, to establish the maximum loan amount you are eligible for.

Read also, How to get Mwananchi Credit Logbook Loan

How to apply

To apply online,

  • Visit the Phoenix Capital Website
  • Navigate to the Logbook Loans page
  • Fill in the form provided with your personal details
  • Wait for a response on the status of your application

To apply offline,

Visit any Phoenix Capital branch and express your interest in a logbook loan. You be guided through the application process. Make sure you meet the requirements before visiting the company.

Loan Features

We offer the most affordable logbook loans that are able to meet borrowers’ expectations regardless of the amount borrowed. Here is what to expect:

  • Clear-cut, fast, and precise logbook loan application process
  • Swift processing and approval of logbook loans
  • Affordable interest rates
  • Timely disbursement of funds
  • High logbook loan amounts
  • Flexible repayment plans
  • Any vehicle can secure a logbook loan.

Conclusion: How to access logbook loan at Phoenix Capital

The Phoenix Capital logbook loan is one of the easiest logbook loans to obtain in Kenya. If you meet the requirements you can receive your loan in just a few hours. With a flexible payment term and affordable rates. phoenix offers one of the best logbook loan deals in the country.
