The Most Populated Countries In Africa

The African continent is commonly referred to as the cradle of mankind. Here are the most populated countries in Africa.

Africa, a continent recognized for its vast size and cultural richness, covers almost 13 million square miles and has a population of more than 1.3 billion people. According to World Population Review, Africa has the world’s youngest population, with 41% of its people under the age of 15.

Africa, with 54 countries, has a vast spectrum of languages, landscapes, beliefs, and civilizations. According to World Bank data, we’ve compiled a concise summary of Africa’s 10 most populous countries.

The Most Populated Countries In Africa

1. Nigeria – 218,625,385

Most Populated Countries In Africa

Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country, has a population of about 218 million people. Its population grows by almost 5.5 million people per year. Nigeria is the seventh most populated country in the world, accounting for 2.64% of the global population.

2. Ethiopia – 121,922,416

Most Populated Countries In Africa

Ethiopia, located in Africa’s horn on its east coast, is the continent’s second most populous country. It has 121 million inhabitants and a 2.6% annual growth rate. Over 80 ethnic groups of various origins live in this culturally diverse region, including Cushitic and Afro-Asian.

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3. Egypt – 106,981,048

Most Populated Countries In Africa

With 43% of the population residing in metropolitan areas, Cairo and cities along the Nile serve as home to a substantial chunk of Egypt’s over 100 million inhabitants. The country’s population accounts for 1.31% of the world’s population. Egypt’s annual population growth rate is 1.94%, with a yearly increase in population of 1.8 million.

4. The Democratic Republic Of Congo – 96,511,548

The Most Populated Countries In Africa

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is presently Africa’s fourth most populous country, due to a robust increase in population over recent decades. It is Africa’s second-largest country by landmass and one of the world’s fastest-growing economies.

Between 1990 and 2010, the country’s population exp