Ten people Nairobians often take for granted

This is a list of ten people Nairobians often take for granted as they go by their businesses in the street. The media frequently overlooks the most important people in our lives. Socialites and politicians are feted on a daily basis and receive extensive media coverage, but they add little value.

Today, we’ll look at the ten most important people you should never take for granted.

Ten people Nairobians take for granted

1. Mama mboga

She brings fresh farm produce to your door and will even cut it for you. So why would you sneer at this hardworking lady? If you only knew how to get the vegetables and fruits from Wakulima market to your door.

2. Parking attendants

They provide both security and insecurity. If you cooperate with them, your car’s headlights and side mirrors will remain intact. Play smart or cite the law, and you’ll be kicking yourself when you get home from the bar or coffeehouse.

Read Top 20 Interesting Facts About Nairobi City.

3. Shoe shiners

Women who enjoy shoes, particularly high heels, understand the importance of cobblers. When you least expect it, your heels will fall off in the middle of the street.

The cobblers in the Hotel Ambassador area, Banda Street, and the slums of Nairobi come to these women’s aid to save them from embarrassment.

We live in a city that, depending on the weather, is either too dusty or too muddy. The shoe shiners make sure you don’t walk into the office looking like a milkman.

4. Park evangelists

Often despised and looked down upon, street preachers play the role of selling hope to the hopeless, who throng the public parks during lunch hours to eat ‘air burgers’. In such cases, the word of God can be as welcome as a sumptuous meal to a hungry man.

5. Newspaper and book vendors

They deliver your preferred newspaper to your office, car, or street. Book vendors sell used books, sometimes classics, that would normally cost an arm and a leg in a bookstore.

They are very informative and are the first to know about any new developments on the streets. But despite their critical roles, they are among the most overlooked by Nairobians.

6. Tailors