Top Ten Computer Technical Jobs That Pay Handsomely.

Top Ten Computer Technical jobs that pay handsomely.As per today’s evolving world, people have moved to the digital Era. Companies now offer jobs that require cognitive thinking, intellectual understanding and performance aimed towards achieving greater organizational goals.

It takes a well trained professional, equipped with high end technical skills to perform some of the tasks assigned by a particular company. 

Techinical  jobs requires one to use their technical skills, knowledge, experiences, and education to bring out viable solutions for business problems.

Technical  jobs may come in various forms and can be performed using different tools. One of the tools used to perform technical jobs is the computer.

These computer tasks are mostly related to computer codes, software applications, network systems and algorithms.

Here are the top ten computer technical jobs that pay well:

1. Computer Systems Analyst.

A computer systems analyst is the one responsible for analyzing ,troubleshooting, and evaluating computer network problems in an organisation. He or she solves the issues as per the error detained in between.

One who holds a bachelor’s degree in computer science has a  very high chances of securing the job as compared to a diploma holder because of the competition in the market. A computer system analyst earns a basic salary of 120,000 Kenya  shillings.

2.Information Technology Manager

An IT Manager is the one responsible for planning, directing and overseeing all the activities related to the company’s computer and information systems either hardware or software. One should have knowledge in information technology and be well equpied with computer skills.

He/She should be able to work under minimum supervision since it’s a job that requires creativity with no slagging. Estimated Monthly salary for this job is around Ksh 115,000.

3.Computer Reseach Scientist. 

One is responsible for creating and improving computer software and hardware. They better networking for faster speed and improves information sector to make the company well equiped and efficient in its performance.

They make wise decisions that qualify or meets standards required in the corporate sector. One has to posses a bachelor’s degree in computer science and related field to obtain the job. A computer research specialist earns a basic salary of Ksh 150,000 per month.

4.Computer Suppport Specialist.

He is responsible for analyzing ,troubleshooting and evaluating computer network problems in an organsation. He ensures smooth running of the company’s activities relating to computer networks.

They provide technical services to the company such as fixing crashed computers, updating software and operating systems to make sure they are up to date and efficient. Estimated monthly salary is Ksh 500,000.

5.Netwok Systems Administator