The University Of Nairobi Bank Account Numbers.
The UON Bank Account Numbers are listed here. The University of Nairobi is the first and the oldest University in Kenya. The Institution, which bears the merit as the most populated university in Kenya. With its main campus is located in Nairobi City along University way, the university admits students both locally and internationally.
The University currently charges the standard fee of Ksh 16,000 for government-sponsored undergraduate programs with a separate fee structure for self-sponsored programs whether diploma, degree, or postgraduate.
The institution accepts fee payment via its various bank account numbers with each faculty having a distinguished bank account. There is also a separate bank account through which self-sponsored students pay their fees.
Here is a list of The UON Bank account numbers.
Distinguished Colleges Bank Account Numbers.
1. College of Health Sciences
Absa Bank of Kenya- A/C No. 03-045-1039385.
2. College of Agriculture and Veterinary Services
Absa Bank of Kenya- A/C No. 03-077-5053984.
3. College of Architecture and Engineering
Absa Bank of Kenya- A/C No. 03-077-5053941.
4. College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Absa Bank of Kenya- A/C No. 03-073-1100217.
5. College of Education and External Studies
Absa Bank of Kenya- A/C No. 03-077-5053917.
6. College of Education and External Studies (Kenya Science Campus)
Kenya Commercial Bank- A/C No. 1107229030.
7. College of Biological and Physical Sciences.
Absa Bank- A/C No. 03-073-1100187.
Bank Account for Self-Sponsored Students.
The fees for SSP Students can be paid through a Banker’s Cheque in Favour of the University of Nairobi Enterprises and Services (UNES) or through direct deposit to the UNES/UON collection account via the following Bank Account Number.
• Absa Bank of Kenya- A/C No. 03-073-1021554.
The University encourages students to pay school fees and other activity fees at the prompt commencement of the semester to allow the smooth running of activities during the semester. All students are expected to pay school fees in time to avoid being locked out of class and other activities.