List of all Level 5 Hospitals in Kenya, Contacts and Location.

Here is a list of various Level 5 hospitals found in Kenya, but first let’s answer a few basic questions.

What is a Hospital?

A hospital is an institution that provides medical and surgical treatment, nursing services as well as medical consultancy services to the sick, injured, aged, or needy people.

In Kenya, under the newly devolved health sector, Hospitals are categorized into six groups. These hospitals in various levels are dedicated to providing healthcare services to patients according to the magnitude of the illness. Here are the six categories of hospitals in Kenya

1. Level 1(Local Medical Centres)

These are the basic level medical centers found at the community level. They are mostly established by qualified community health practitioners. They provide basic medical attention such as consultation and issuance of simple drugs such as pain killers and basic antibiotics.

2. Level 2 (Dispensaries)

These are dispensaries established by the government, community members, or NGOs meant to provide basic medical services at the community level.

3. Level 3 (Health Centres)

These are health centers found at the sub-county level, they provide medical services such as consultancy, prescription, treatment, and dressing.

4. Level 4 Hospitals (Primary Referrals)

These are the Sub-County hospitals found at various sub-counties which were formerly known as district hospitals. They provide advanced medical care and have wards where patients can be admitted.

5. Level 5 Hospitals (Secondary Referrals)

These are hospitals formerly known as Provincial Hospitals in the former provincial administration. They deliver diverse medical services and training to students, staff, and other health workers. They are also used for internships and attachments for students studying medical courses. Level 5 Hospitals provide special medical services and have special units such as Intensive Care Units and High Dependency Units.

6. Level Six Hospitals (Tertiary Referrals)

This group represents the highest denomination of hospitals which include National and tertiary referral hospitals. These provide high-profile medical care and services to referred patients, research, consultancy, and training with the use of modern equipment and technology. Examples of level six hospitals in Kenya are; Kenyatta University Teaching, Research and Referral Hospital, Kenyatta National Hospital, and Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital.

Level 5 hospitals in Kenya.

1. Coast General Level 5 Hospital

Location: Bondeni, Kisauni Road, Mombasa City.
Postal Address: P.O Box 90231-80100, Mombasa
Tel: 0722-207868
Bed Capacity: 672

2. Embu Level 5 Hospital

Location: Embu County, Njukiri area, Embu West Constituency along Meru-Embu Highway a few Kilometers from Embu Town.
Postal Address: P.O Box 33-60100, Embu.
Tel: 068-31055/068-31159
Bed Capacity: 468