List of Governors Ending Their Second term in Office 2022.
This article contains a List of Governors ending their second term in office in 2022 when general elections are set to be held.
According to the Kenyan constitution 2010, an elected governor cannot serve for more than two 5-year terms in a county government office. This year, there are several governors ending their second term in office and have to step aside to give other leaders a chance to serve.
Among the governors ending their second term in office is Mombasa governor Ali Hassan Joho and Machakos Governor Alfred Mutua.
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Governors ending their second term in office 2022.
Ali Hassan Joho- Mombasa
The vocal and energetic politician was elected into office in 2013 and occupied it for ten years. Most of the targets that were contained in his manifesto have been achieved and it can be clearly seen that he has done good work.
Joho is fully convinced that he is going to leave the office better than he found it. He has since endorsed Abdulswamand as his successor, which signifies that he is ready to pass the mantle to the next office occupant. Rumors have it that he might be the running mate for Raila Odinga in his 2022 presidential quest.
Wycliff Oparanya – Kakamega
Having have served for ten years in Kakamega county, it’s now his due time to leave the office and let another person govern the much-developed county. It has been a good and smooth term for him despite the various challenges he faced.
Some of the challenges he faced included accusations of corruption and lack of transparency. He was also not able to complete some of his projects whose money was allocated but vanished into the thin air.
Amason Kingi – Kilifi
He was elected in 2013 under the Orange Democratic movement ticket. During his tenure, he has initiated several development projects in Kilifi county, most of which have succeeded.
Kingi has demonstrated the ability to embrace teamwork, this has enabled him to work closely with other leaders and the people of Kilifi. This has helped in ensuring there is transparency and honesty in all county services including allocation of funds to various departments and wards.
Alfred Mutua – Machakos
For the past 10 years, he has been serving as the governor of Machakos county. Under his governance, the county has experienced a massive transformation, with buildings mushrooming everywhere across Machakos town. He also constructed the Machakos people’s park and planted a carpet on one of the stadiums at Machakos.
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